101 ethical dilemmas/

Cohen, Martin

101 ethical dilemmas/ Martin Cohen - 2nd ed. - London: Routledge, 2007. - 375 p. PB

Forward! xii
How to use this book xvil
Note on the philosophical pictures xlx
Four dodgy dilemmas to get started with ...
1 The lifeboat 2
2 Sinking further 3
3 The psychologists' tale 4
4 Custom is king 5
And three personal dilemmas which maybe a business ethics course
could help with ...
5 The internet bargain 7
6 The toaster 8
7 The liar 9
Three tricky trolley dilemmas (that need to be solved together)
8 The dodgy donor clinic 11
9 The famous footbridge dilemma 12
10 The human cannonball 13
The descent begins
11 The first stage of cruelty 15
12 Stage 2: free to do otherwise 18
13 Penultimate stage: the two tests 19
14 Final stage: the immortal member 21
Some pretty ancient dilemmas
15 Gyges' ring 24
16 The woeful tale of St Augustine 26
17 A balanced tale for the Yellow Emperor28
18 The ascetic tale of Chrysippus the Stoic 29
19 The sensible tale of Epicurus 30
20 Magnanimous Man 31
21 The Magnanimous Man in Heaven 32
Anti-social diiemmas
22 Against e-Ville 35
23 Stumped 37
24 Cracked? 38
25 Getting hotter 39
26 Feeling drained 40
A dose of medical ethics
27 Breeding experiments 42
28 Designer babies 44
29 KwikBaby 45
30 The downmarket rival 47
31 TGN1412 49
CO 32 The Nobodie Rules: a drama in three acts 50
S 33 Witheringspoon-X disease 54
3 34 The hospital's dilemma 55
The censor's dilemma
35 Foul things 58
36 The criminal connection 60
37 A matter of standards 62
38 The exploitative pictures 63
39 The nasty pop group 65
Business week; diiemmas from business ethics ...
40 The short memos by the pirate 67
41 The blaring radio 68
42 The infectious disease 69
43 The witness 70
And another dilemma for business ethics (with the emphasis on ethics)
44 The Devil's chemists 71
A pentad of moral stories: searching for divine justice
45 The unfruitful tree 75
46 Job's lot 76
47 The sacrificial iamb 77
48 The modern day Good Samaritan 78
49 Lazarus the beggar 79
Some monkey business
50 Monkey business 81
51 More monkey business 84
52 Life's not fair 86
53 infantile ethical egotism 87
Searching for the good life
54 The rich man's dilemma 89
55 The beauty trap 90
56 The good life 93
Three more trolley dilemmas (that no one really cares about anyway)
57 Flight 999 to Shangri-La 95
58 Dangerous nibbles 97
59 The terrorist 98
Watching brief
60 The Panopticon 100
61 The Panopticon; second section 101
62 The Panopticon; third section 102
63 The Panopticon: final section 103
Animals too: the vegetarian's dilemma
64 Plutarch's uncongenial fare 105
65 The beast 106
66 Plutarch's response 107
67 St Paul's view 108
68 Chrysostom's warning 109
Ethically suspect fairy tales
69 The Frog-King 111
70 The Juniper Tree; a diabolical fairy tale 114
71 A cautionary tale 118
72 The Illegals: a modern fairy tale 121
Stories of Relatavia
73 The Baldies of Hairland 124
74 The Baldies of Hairland II 126
75 Just desserts 128
76 Another problem with the relatives: a matter of honour 129
War ethics
77 The good fight 132
78 Just some wars 134
79 The unjustified false belief 135
80 The deterrents 136
81 The school for terror 138
82 The hate preacher 140
Environmental ethics
83 The dodo's call 146
84 Killing the wolf 147
85 The Green Revolution 148
86 Pain is good 149
Money matters
87 Greed is good 151
88 Death and taxes 153
Legal dilemmas
89 Rough justice 155
90 Son of Sam 156
91 The Twinkies: not a normal act 158
92 The Twinkies: the villain enters 161
93 Diktatiaville City Square 164
Island ethics
94 Sanctuary Island167
95 Sanctuary Island I! 169
96 Sanctuary island III 170
Some really rather implausible ethical dilemmas that could only
happen in the movies ...
97 B-movie openers 172
98 The main feature; Clockwork Orange dilemmas 173
Nearly at the ends If not the means
99 ICQ Person Village 175
100 Voltaire's dilemma 177
101 The pragmatic response 179

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