The WTO reciprocal preferential trading agreements/

The WTO reciprocal preferential trading agreements/ edited by Caroline Freund - UK: Elgar Reference Collection, 2007. - 719 p.

1. The economics of customs unions / Jacob Viner --
2. Economies of scale and customs union theory / W.M. Corden --
3. An elementary proposition concerning the formation of customs unions / Murray C. Kemp and Henry Y. Wan, Jr. --
4. Is unilateral tariff reduction preferable to a customs union : the curious case of the missing foreign tariffs / Paul Wonnacolt and Ronald Wonnacott --
5. History and economies of GATT's article XXIV / Richard H. Snape --
6. Preferential trading areas and multilateralism : strangers, friends or foes? / J. Bhagwati and A. Panagariya --
7. Preferential trade liberalization : the traditional theory and new developments / Arvind Panagariya --
8. Endogenous protection and trade diversion / Martin Richardson --
9. A domino theory of regionalism / Richard E. Baldwin --
10. A political-economy analysis of free-trade areas and customs unions / Arvind Panagariya and Ronald Findlay --
11. Multilateral tariff cooperation during the formation of customs unions / Kyle Bagwell and Robert W. Staiger --
12. A political-economic analysis of free-trade agreements / Philip J. Levy --
13. Regionalism and multilateralism : a political economy approach / Pravin Krishna --
14. Regionalism in a multilateral world / Wilfred J. Ethier --
15. Multilateralism and the endogenous formation of preferential trade agreements / Caroline Freund --
16. Is there a case for free trade areas? / Paul Wonnacott and Mark Lutz --
17. Regionalism and the world trading system / Lawrence H. Summers --
18. Regionalism versus multilateralism : analytical notes / Paul Krugman --
19. Trading blocs and the Americas : the natural, the unnatural and the super-natural / Jeffrey Frankel, Ernesto Stein and Shang-jin Wei --
20. Regionalism and the WTO : should the rules be changed? / Robert Z. Lawrence --
21. Free trade agreements as protectionist devices : rules of origin / Anne O. Krueger --
22. Mapping and measuring rules of origin around the world / A. Estevadeordal and K. Suominen --
23. Measuring the effects of regionalism on trade and welfare / T.N. Srinivasan, John Whalley and Ian Wooton --
24. Does Mercosur's trade performance raise concerns about the effects of regional trade agreements? / Alexander J. Yeats --
25. Does membership in a regional preferential trade arrangement make a country more or less protectionist? / Faezeh Foroutan --
26. How regional blocs affect excluded countries : the price effects of MERCOSUR / Won Chang and L. Alan Winters --
27. Trade diversion and declining tariffs : evidence from Mercosur / Alok K. Bohara, Kishore Gawande and Pablo Sanguinetti --
28. Preferential trade agreements as stumbling blocks for multilateral trade liberalization : evidence for the United States / Nuno Limao

9781845422028 1845422023

World Trade Organization
Trade blocs--Commercial treaties
Reciprocity (Commerce)

351.827 / FRE/T
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