Development of learner and teaching learning process/

Dash, B.N.

Development of learner and teaching learning process/ B.N. Dash - New Delhi: Dominant Publishers, 2005. - 316 p.

1. Educational Psychology—Its Meaning, Nature, Objectives, Need and Scope
Educational Psychology as a Branch of Applied Psychology—Meaning of Psychology—Meaning of Science and Behavior—Meaning of the Term Educational Psychology—Nature of the Educational Psychology—Scope of Educational Psychology—Objectives of Educational Psychology—Introspection—Observation Method—Experimental Method—Experimental Designs—Need of Educational Psychology: Need of Educational Psychology for the Classroom Teachers in Understanding the Learner—Kearning's Report

2. Growth and Development
Meaning of Growth and Development—Meaning of Growth—Meaning of Development—Difference between Growth and Development—The Purpose of Studying Growth and Development—Principles of Growth and Development—Development Process and Education—Significance of Developmental Changes

3. Physical Growth
Meaning of Physical Growth—Difference between Physical Growth and Physical Development—Physical Growth during Infancy and Early Childhood— Characteristics of Physical Growth during Infancy— Characteristics of Physical Growth during Childhood— Types of Physical Growth

4. Social Development
Meaning of Social Development—Socialization—A Lifelong Process—Social Development—A Multifaceted Process Role of Social and Cultural System—Role of the School—Definition of Social Development—Social Development during Infancy with Its Characteristics—Social Development during Childhood with Its Characteristics.

5. Mental [Cognitive] Growth
Equilibration—Educational Implications of Plaget's Theory of Cognitive Mental Growth

6. Emotional Development
Nature and Definition—Role of the Schools and the Teachers in Respect of Emotionally Disturbed Students

7. Problems and Guidance of Indian Adolescence
Indian Adolescent and Culture—Problems of Indian Adolescence—Guidance of Indian Adolescents

8. Learning
What is Learning—Learning Defined—Nature of Learning—Characteristics of Learning—Factors Influencing Learning Critical Period for Learning— Environment and Learning

9. Theories of Learning
Association Theories of Learning—Classical Conditioning Experiments—Cognitive Theories of Learning—Gestalt Theories of Learning—Kobler's Experiments with Box and Stick Problems—Conclusion

10. Transfer of Learning
Meaning of Transfer—Theories of Transfer of Learning—Significance of Transfer of Learning in Actual Life Situation Significance of Transfer of Learning in Classroom

11. Motivation
The Nature of Motivation—Motivation Defined— Classification of Motives

12. Intelligence
Meaning of Intelligence—Definition—Nature of Intelligence—Theories of Intelligence—Intelligence Tests

13. Personality
Meaning of Personality—Definition of Personality— Factors in Personality Development—Heredity and Environment of Personality—Theories of Personality—Personality Assessment

14. Exceptional Children
Concept of Exceptional Children—Identifications of the Exceptional Children—Development of Exceptional Children—Gifted—Creative—Delinquent

15. Mental Health
Definitions—Mental Health and Mental Hygiene—Stress—Anxiety

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