Buddhist Himalaya:Studies in Religion,History and Culture/ Tibet and the Himalaya

Buddhist Himalaya:Studies in Religion,History and Culture/ Tibet and the Himalaya Mckay,Alex - Gangtok: Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, 2011. - 343P.

David Germano
Locality, Participation, and Morality in Our Academic Engagement with Tibet
Karma Phuntsho
Reflections on Multidisciplinary Approach in Himalayan Studies: The Case of
the Book.
Dzongkha Language: Opportunities and Challenges..
Yongten Dargye
An Overview of Bhutanese Death Rituals and Related Practices.
Ngawang Jamtsho
A Harvest Festival from Northern Bhutan: The Aolay (A'o legs) of Laya (La yag),
Akiko Ueda
Modernity in Tradition: Implications of Changes in People's Perspectives during
the Recent Transition to Democracy in Bhutan.
Francoish Pommaret
Bhutan's Pervasive Phallus: Is Drukpa Kunley Really Responsible?.
Aspects of Early Buddhist Art Development in Mustang.
Theresia Hofer
Changing Representations of the Tibetan Woman Doctor Khandro Yangkar
Rhyddht Chakraborty & Chhanda Chakraborti
Relevance of Deep Ecology and Lotus Aphorism for Sikkim Himalayan
Ronald M. Davidson
Himalayan Buddhist Valleys as Tantric Ecologies.
Andrea Loseries
Cakrasamvara and Syncretism in the Northwestern Himalaya.
Henk Blezer
It All Happened in Myi yul skyi mthing: A Crucial Nexus of Narratives Pointing
at the Proto-Hcartland of Bon? 157
David Holmberg
From Naturalization to Rationalization in Western Tamang Buddhist Practice 179
Roberto ViTALi
Historical and Ethnic Traits in the Mes rabs of Rig 'dzin rGod Idem can 191
Laxman S. Thakur
Rin chen bzang po's Footsteps: Re-evaluating the Contribution of the Great
Translator through Folklore and Archaeology 209
Hildegard Diemberger
Re-enacting Royal Ancestors: Imperial Legacies and 'Hidden Lands' in the Life
of the Gung thang Princess Chos kyi sgron ma 223
Peter Schwieger
The Long Arm of the Firth Dalai Lama: Influence and Power of the Fifth Dalai
Lama in Southeast Tibet 239
Toni Huber
Pushing South: Tibetan Economic and Political Activities in the Far Eastern
Himalaya, ca. 1900-1950 259
Patrick. Booz
Fear of Indian Tea and the Failure of British India to Break the Chinese Tea
Monopoly in Tibet 277
Todd Lewis
Sources and Sentiments in Sugata Saurabha, a Mid-Twentieth Century Narrative
on the Buddha's Life from the Kathmandu Valley ; 291
Malgorzata Gdok-Klafkowska
The Dream of Kanchenjonga; The Roerich Family and Himalayan Studies 305
Kumktjm Roy
Peopled Landscapes: Pilgrims and (Sup)porters on the Kailas-Manasarovar Yatra
m the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries 323
Notes on Contributors 239


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